So yeah, I completely forgot that I had the game, Until I saw on XboxLIVE that Criterion released the Burnout Paradise Party update, which makes it so you can play offline multiplayer.
No, Its not awesome splitscreen where you get to smash your friends car into a wall while pointing at him and laughing at him for sucking, and obviously because you are better than him, Its a freakin' 8 player party mode where everyone takes turns at completing one simple challenge, like drift 3 feet, or jump over this brick, or run a red light.
Yeah, so they want you to PAY for the update. Yes, PAY. 800 Microsoft Points which is about 8 dollars. I mean, what the fuck? Ive already payed for the game which should have had a fucking offline multiplayer in the first place.
At least the motorcycle update was free. That was the only good thing that came to the game.
I should probably stick to FPS or RPG games, all because Ive had fun with those and haven't been frustrated by losing in 2nd place with a difference of .01 seconds for 1st place, and having to restart the whole fucking race.
Maybe I should stop playing Fallout 3.
8 bucks aint much though, burnout ftw
But still, I'm not paying for that.